Wednesday, May 27, 2009

How Are Ya?

It's been a long long hiatus since I last blogged. What have I been up to? Well, long story cut short, life goes on and I am back. :)

Received a message from a friend in FB. The message ended with "How are ya?". I pondered for a long while on how to answer this question. It's supposed to be a very simple question, isn't it? what took me so long to answer such a simple question? Well, as we grow older, this very simple question is not that simple to answer anymore...

Very often, when we are asked this question, to be polite, we tend to answer it with the programmed set of standard answers such as 'I am good', 'I am fine' or 'I am OK' in a very surface manner, when the people asking are not so close to us. Are we really that good, fine or OK? Sometimes, what we answer might not be the true answer.

On the contrary, when I am asked this question by people closer to me, I would be more honest. It really makes me think: Where to begin, what should I tell and how should I answer...

I wonder if you feel the same when you are asked the same question. Or, is it just me who is thinking too much and making thing complicated? I wonder...

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